Saturday, August 20, 2011

Brooks Chapter 3

Last time we checked in, Charlie had recently gotten a job in the science career... Him being all smexy.. :D

He took his job very seriously, and he always ate his waffles!! 

Since he had started, he had already made a decent sum of money. He could now afford to remodel the fugly of a shack he called "home"

But Ronni had to get a job too to cover the expenses... 

Fuck you economy... 

Anyways, this is the dining room. 

The kitchen... 

The EPIC tv/ living room! 

The poo room. *smirks*

After the remodel, Ronni and Charlie spent some quality time together outdoors...

Until his insane came out and started talking to himself.. 
Ronni just rolled her eyes and went home. 


Pretty huh?

"Mm I love this bed Charlie!"
"I thought soo... if not we would have some problems.. It cost §500"


Ronni got a new job in the music career, earlier today, but she hated it.. So she quit and wanted to join the Stylist Career.

After accepting her new job, her and Charlie visited a local dance club.. 
She hoped Charlie would fiind some balls, and finally have the nerve to kiss her.. 

But he was too busy being all sexy in the hot tub to do anything.. 

So Ronni left without saying anything. 

"If only, if only... if only"

Charlie himself then got kicked out of the club, because it was like what.. 5 in he morning?

Ronni came home, tears in her eyes. Regretting getting herself into this mess. 

So she lay down on her brand new bed, waiting to wake up. Hoping it was just a dream...

Dazed by the situation... Charlie resulted to his morning waffles...

Damn, that is one SEXY man---
*ahem* waffle... :/

One thing I never understood, the stylist career means you have to have style.. But just look at that fucking disgusting EA outfit... 

Ahh.. Much better.. :D

Look! Its Ronni's manager! Devin..

After an uneventful day at work, Ronni decided to go to a local dance club.

Gee, look what Charlie's wearing. 

Thats a little better...

Hopefully now, Ronni could get what she wanted. 

But alas, Charlie left, so she just went to dance by herself.. 




"Gives me mys booze........"

Welcome to the party. 

Hopefully the special romance drink would help the mood----


Fuck you.... 


When Ronni got called to her work, she had a celebrity request.... 
Apparently Bonni is a celebrity now. 
Shes an actress. 

She wants 3 new outfits for all categories and a new hairstyle... 

Have fun with your life bitch. 

With the money she made from her loving sis, she remodeled her gross stylist room. Better huh? 

When Ronni arrived home, she chowed down on some ice cream...

Orange ice cream... 

Later, she attended a birthday party for her friend Regan while Charlie was nerding it off at his job. 

But when Ronni arrived at the party, she was greeted by not only a friendly face, but a life changing experience!



Ronni got called in by another client the next day, by the name of Katie Carlson. 

"Well well darling, I am think you need a new do?"

"Being the visionary I am I can fuck - I MEAN - fix your old 'do!

"Miel! Je suis merveilleuse non?"

"You, are a sexy man."
"You are a good person."

Come on Charlie, dont hurt yourself. 
*Sprains brain*
I told you.....

Charlie and Ronni went out to the butterfly garden to talk about their relationship.
He was even rolling wants to propose!! 

They talked about all sorts of things. From interests, to home stuff. 

Work to Sex, or sometimes both, they talked all night long... 

Until things took a turn for the worse.
 Ronni tried to help the situation, but Charlie was in *one of those moods*

He even tried to smooth it over with a kiss, but Ronni didnt want that. 
She wanted him to love her. 

They fought all night, and well into the morning, waiting for the issues to be resolved. 

The claws really came out, as soon as Charlie insulted her Hopeless-Romantic attitude..

He just made things worse. 

He dug a hole, filled to the top with shit, and he was at the bottom. 

At last, the argument reached a boiling point, no sides could win. 
Ronni had two options. She could forgive and forget, and go back to the way things were. 
She could love him like she did. 
But no, Ronni had other plans. 

Get. Out.


  1. I FREAKIN' LUFFS!!!!!!!!
    (2) Where the balls do you get those FAB hairs?

  2. BTW! Did you know that 'woot' is an actual word in the english dictionary now? Yeah. Fun times.

  3. Hahah! Really? I didnt know that!! ;)

    And ok.. I will have to hunt him down and finds him ;) He is a lurvely specimen aint he?

    And Ronni's is a Peggy Hair *shock!*
    Charlie's is a conversion... Should be from Shyne. :)

  4. Awesome Chapter Cake!! I luvs it <3
