Friday, October 21, 2011

Don't Shoot the Messenger

Hello all. I'm afraid I am the bringer of bad news..... The Simselves project titled "Marie and Friends" is no more. *Sad face* I just lost inspiration... Sorreh. And my save got all fucked up.. and yah. So. thats bad. BUT! Some good news from the Brooks: New chapter should be out next week: All about Damascus! :D So you can look forward to that. Also I need some feedback. I am thinking of starting an "All about Marie Antoinette" kinda thing.. Not like a legacy.. or a story.. Just stupid little updates about what the hell she is doing! I am thinking yus.. Because I play with her sooo often.. and I luvs her.. and Cian.. A LOT. ♥


  1. Hoe well, at least I've got a new project to stalk
    I'm sykeeeeed.
    Whatcha been upto then Cakey Dahling?
    *sorry, this regal setting is making me posh:)*

  2. LOL!! :D I know.. But I act like this all the time.... its a disease really.

    All is well! :D Im leaving for the country tomorrow... Got to see something other than the city O___O

  3. Woot! i'm So happy!!!! Sad about marie and friends but still VERY HAPPY!
